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How to get smoke smell out of your clothes

Say goodbye to smoky clothes with these simple tips

Smoke odor can be a persistent and unpleasant odor that lingers on clothing long after you have left a smoky environment. This is because smoke particles are tiny and can easily penetrate the fibers of your clothes, making it difficult to remove the smell. The longer your clothes are exposed to smoke, the harder it will be to get rid of the smell. Read along here and find out how you can freshen up your clothes so that you smell fresh and clean instead of smoke.

Quick solutions to remove smoke odors

If you're in a hurry and need to get rid of the smell of smoke from your clothes, there are a few quick fixes you can try. One method is to hang the clothes outside in the fresh air for a few hours. The natural breeze and sunlight can help disperse the smoke particles and refresh your clothes. Another option is to use a freshener spray or a mixture of vinegar and water to spray on the garment and then let it air dry.

Deep cleaning for stubborn smoke smells

In case of a more stubborn smell of smoke, a deep cleaning may be necessary. Start by washing your clothes in hot water with a strong detergent from Simple Goods. You can also add a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle to help neutralize the odor. If the smell persists, try soaking the garment in a mixture of water and baking soda for a few hours before washing it again. If they are delicate fabrics, you can consider having them specially treated at a professional dry cleaner.

Put the clothes in the dryer

The tumble dryer can also be effective in removing the smell of smoke in clothes. Put your clothes in the dryer and add Simple Goods Laundry Tonic to your clothes or to some Dryer Balls . Our Laundry Tonic helps remove odors from clothes and gives them a fresh scent.

With these tips, you can easily get rid of the smell of smoke from your clothes and enjoy fresh-smelling clothes again. Don't let smoky surroundings ruin your favorite clothes - try these methods and say goodbye to smoky clothes forever.

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